Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I have more finished projects!
I finished the second shawl from VLT: the scarf or shawl with center panel. I gave it to Auntie Pat (my husband's aunt) when we visited her in Cornwall, England, in September.

While in Cornwall, I almost finished my Transition Gloves and the Farrow-Rib Cardigan:

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I'm just back from Meg Swansen's Knitting Camp I. Camp was fantastic, the knitting was fantastic, and Meg is fantastic. And my head is about to explode it's so stuffed with knitting.

I discovered Meg Swansen several years ago. Then I discovered Elizabeth Zimmerman, and then I discovered they are daughter and mother. Meg always looks as though she's a really nice person in her photos (her eyes always seem to smile), and after being in her class, I know she is one of the most gracious people on the planet, not to mention one of the most talented knitters and designers.

There was show-and-tell every day of camp. I showed-and-told on day two. The following day, Meg actually remembered my pathetic knitting and asked to see it more closely. It blew me away that someone of her renown and talent would be interested in and would be troubled to remember such a detail.

I would say Meg is a real lady (the word "lady" is used far too indiscriminately these days), and Helena would say Meg is a class act.

So one of my new mottos to live by is "What would Meg do?" (WWMD?), which applies not just in knitting scenarios. :o)

Here are some photos from camp:

Meg at the white board.

Meg showing us something really useful.

The Wall o' Sweaters

A portion of the Wall, which includes my two faves.

Turkish Maple

A detail of the Turkish Maple. Meg signs her work--what a great idea!

The Phoenix is even more impressive in person!

Me and Meg

Me and Joyce.

Joyce in one of her incredible sweaters. Joyce is such a doll! She's friendly, helpful, and charming, to say nothing of her knitting.

Me and Amy. Not only is Amy extremely talented, knowledgeable, and helpful, she's also the comic relief! Amy got me over my steeking hump.

This is the swatch sweater I knit in camp. It's Meg's spiral yoke sweater. I can't wait to make one that will fit me!

Anyhoo, here's what I've been working on these days:

Michael Kors cabled cape in Fall 2007 Vogue Knitting

Transition Gloves from Shibui

Scarf or Shawl with a Center Pattern from Victorian Lace Today

Norwegian cardigan from Dale knit in Kolibri cotton. Amy and Joyce helped me steek and cut this at camp. Holy Toledo! The finishing will take as long as the knitting did. But I love it!

Farrow Rib Cardigan in Jewel the alpaca in Winter 2007 Interweave Knits. Almost done!