Friday, July 20, 2007

Island Knitting

St. John was beautiful and wonderful! We had a great time, and we were able to really destress. It's amazing what happens to time on the islands. Vacation photos can be found here.

I completed clue 1 for MS3. That's Coral Bay in the background. The photo was taken from the deck of the place we rented.

Since I didn't have (or want) access to the Internet, I missed the posting of clue 2 and was consequently behind pretty much from the get-go. Then of course there was the post-vacation craziness when we returned, so I didn't start on clue 2 until this week, and I finished it yesterday.

I also worked on Lizard Ridge and socks for my mom. The socks are Central Air pattern and Rooster Rock colorway, both from Blue Moon Fibers.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hogwarts Sock Swap Two Questionnaire

Hogwarts Sock Swap Questionnaire

1. What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into? A: Ravenclaw

2. Shoe size? A: 9.5 wide

3. Foot Length?
A: 10”

4. Foot Circumference?
A: 9”

5. List your three favorite double-point needle brands, including size and length.
A: In no particular order:
a. Clover
b. Knit Picks
c. Inox
Size and length: I like to have various lengths in my needle palette, in sizes 0000 through 8 (obviously not just for socks).

6. Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length? A: Sure, anything not plastic. The only ones I’ve hated so far are the Pony Pearl DPNs.

7. If you are a RAVENCLAW, do you prefer the colors in the film or the book? Do you have a strong preference?
A: Book colors (blue and bronze), but not a strong preference.

8. Allergies? Do you have any? Will your knitting be exposed to smoke or animals? A: No allergies, and I have cats.

9. Are you an international participant (outside US)? Are you willing to have an international Hogwarts Sock Pal? A: I am in the U.S., and I’m willing to have an international pal.
Would you like to join the Hogwarts Sock Swap? Registration started July 14, 2007. Click here for more information and to join; hurry, 'cause I think it's closing soon (it's almost full)!